拼音 chuǎi

注音 ㄔㄨㄞˇ

部首 攴

总笔画 13

部首外 9

四角 21247

五笔 mdmc

仓颉 ubye

郑码 llix

字形 左右结构

笔顺 2521325112154

统一码 扩展A U+3A9C


拼音 chuǎi

注音 ㄔㄨㄞˇ

部首部外 9 总笔画 13

统一码 扩展A U+3A9C 笔顺 2521325112154


英语 (same as 揣) to measure; to estimate; to suppose; to gauge what's pon another's mind; to presume; to test; to sound out, (same as 捶) to weigh in the hand