拼音 shèn

注音 ㄕㄣˋ

部首 穴

总笔画 13

部首外 8

四角 30809

五笔 pwoo

仓颉 jcff

郑码 wouu

字形 上下结构

笔顺 4453443344334

统一码 扩展A U+41A6

拼音 shèn

注音 ㄕㄣˋ

部首部外 8 总笔画 13

统一码 扩展A U+41A6 笔顺 4453443344334


英语 (a corrupted form) (same as 深) deep; profound, the chimney; stack ( on the top of a cooking stove or furnace), to bury the coffin of a dead person