拼音 zhàn

注音 ㄓㄢˋ

部首 衤

总笔画 13

部首外 8

四角 33281

五笔 puph

仓颉 ljmo

郑码 wtwd

字形 左右结构

笔顺 4523444512134

统一码 扩展A U+463A


拼音 zhàn

注音 ㄓㄢˋ

部首部外 8 总笔画 13

统一码 扩展A U+463A 笔顺 4523444512134


英语 a seam which has come unsewn; to mend (clothes, etc.), (same as U+8892 袒 U+7DBB 綻) to bare; to strip; bared, ripped seam; a crack, ripped; split