拼音 mèn

注音 ㄇㄣˋ

部首 氵

总笔画 15

部首外 12

四角 37120

五笔 iuny

仓颉 eanp

郑码 vxwz

字形 左右结构

笔顺 441511225114544

统一码 扩展A U+3D4D

拼音 mèn

注音 ㄇㄣˋ

部首部外 12 总笔画 15

统一码 扩展A U+3D4D 笔顺 441511225114544


英语 filled with water; full of water, annoyed; vexed; depressed; bored, to make tea by boiling water and then put the lid on to cover it