拼音 hǎnjiànkǎn

注音 ㄏㄢˇㄐㄧㄢˋㄎㄢˇ

部首 氵

总笔画 15

部首外 12

四角 37120

五笔 iueg

仓颉 eanb

郑码 vxq

字形 左右结构

笔顺 441511225113511

统一码 扩展A U+3D4E

异体字  𡼏 𧯎

拼音 hǎnjiànkǎn

注音 ㄏㄢˇㄐㄧㄢˋㄎㄢˇ

部首部外 12 总笔画 15

统一码 扩展A U+3D4E 笔顺 441511225113511


英语 a mountain stream or torrent, a measurement used in ancient times; a hundred million waterways (ditches) equal to a mountain stream, a river in ancient, head source in south of Henan Province, flowing east then north to conbine with Gushui (today's Jianhe)