拼音 jié

注音 ㄐㄧㄝˊ

部首 糹

总笔画 18

部首外 12

四角 20994

五笔 xwys

仓颉 vfogd

郑码 znf

字形 左右结构

笔顺 554444324111211234

统一码 扩展A U+4316

异体字 𦈜

拼音 jié

注音 ㄐㄧㄝˊ

部首部外 12 总笔画 18

统一码 扩展A U+4316 笔顺 554444324111211234


英语 to gather; to assemble; to come together; to blend; to mix, disorderly; mixed, a general term for wealthy goods and textiles (in southern minority group)