拼音 yáo

注音 ㄧㄠˊ

部首 糹

总笔画 18

部首外 12

四角 22693

五笔 qyti

仓颉 brhvf

郑码 rsmz

字形 左右结构

笔顺 354441112513554234

统一码 扩展A U+431B

异体字  𦅹

拼音 yáo

注音 ㄧㄠˊ

部首部外 12 总笔画 18

统一码 扩展A U+431B 笔顺 354441112513554234


yáo ㄧㄠˊ

  1. 同“”。《説文•糸部》:“䌛,隨從也。从糸,䚻聲。”《集韻•宵韻》:“繇或作䌛。”

英语 (same as 繇 徭 陶 謠 由 猶 悠 籀) entourage; aides; attendants, compulsory labor service, to make pottery or earthenware, happy, ballad; folk song, rumor, through; via; by way of, like; similar to, still; yet, far, sad, soft; slow, to deduce (interchangeable 搖 遙 傜)