拼音 chǎnchěng

注音 ㄔㄢˇㄔㄥˇ

部首 革

总笔画 19

部首外 10

四角 42536

五笔 afbj

仓颉 tjumi

郑码 eeai

字形 左右结构

笔顺 1221251125221251214

统一码 扩展A U+4A76

拼音 chǎnchěng

注音 ㄔㄢˇㄔㄥˇ

部首部外 10 总笔画 19

统一码 扩展A U+4A76 笔顺 1221251125221251214


英语 saddle and rein etc. for the imperial carriage; or for the two outside horses of a team of four abreast, equipments used to saddle a horse