拼音 páng

注音 ㄆㄤˊ

部首 馬

总笔画 26

部首外 16

四角 71311

五笔 cued|coud

仓颉 sfybp

郑码 cusi

字形 左右结构

笔顺 12112544444143125111515111

统一码 扩展A U+4BBE

异体字 𩧑 𩧪 𩦳

拼音 páng

注音 ㄆㄤˊ

部首部外 16 总笔画 26

统一码 扩展A U+4BBE 笔顺 12112544444143125111515111


英语 (same as 龐) huge, rich; abundance, to fill up; full of (same as 龍) a legendary; miraculous; marvelous animal; the dragon, associated with rain, floods, and geomancy, an emblem of imperialism