拼音 póupǒu

注音 ㄆㄡˊㄆㄡˇ

部首 扌

总笔画 10

部首外 7

四角 51069

五笔 rgik|rdhk

仓颉 qmfr

郑码 dgj

字形 左右结构

笔顺 1211324251

统一码 扩展A U+39F5


拼音 póupǒu

注音 ㄆㄡˊㄆㄡˇ

部首部外 7 总笔画 10

统一码 扩展A U+39F5 笔顺 1211324251


英语 (corrupted form of U+638A 掊) to exact, to get salt from sea-water, to break up; to injure, to hold something in both hands; to scoop up mud; (Cant.) to hit, strike, knock