拼音 dǐng

注音 ㄉㄧㄥˇ

部首 斤

总笔画 12

部首外 8

四角 62621

五笔 jjrh

仓颉 aahml

郑码 kkpd

字形 左右结构

笔顺 251125113312

统一码 扩展A U+3AC0


拼音 dǐng

注音 ㄉㄧㄥˇ

部首部外 8 总笔画 12

统一码 扩展A U+3AC0 笔顺 251125113312


英语 huge tripod of bronze with two ears; heavy three-legged ealdron or sacrificial vessel regarded as a type of imperial power, the Empire, a kind of cooking utensil used in ancient times