拼音 nài

注音 ㄋㄞˋ

部首 木

总笔画 13

部首外 9

四角 44991

五笔 ssfi

仓颉 ddmf

郑码 ffbk

字形 左右结构

笔顺 1234123411234

统一码 扩展A U+3B8F


拼音 nài

注音 ㄋㄞˋ

部首部外 9 总笔画 13

统一码 扩展A U+3B8F 笔顺 1234123411234


英语 (same as 柰)a fruit tree; a crab-apple, for which the second from is strictly used, leaves sprouting from the stump of a tree; shoots from an old stump