拼音 kuì

注音 ㄎㄨㄟˋ

部首 竹

总笔画 15

部首外 9

四角 88989

五笔 tndo

仓颉 hpkf

郑码 mugu

字形 上下结构

笔顺 314314442134334

统一码 扩展A U+4210


拼音 kuì

注音 ㄎㄨㄟˋ

部首部外 9 总笔画 15

统一码 扩展A U+4210 笔顺 314314442134334


英语 an arched frame made of bamboo of wood board, a covering, mats woven from bamboo and other leaves top on vehicles, (same as 簂 槶) a bamboo chest; a wicker chest, a woman's headdress