拼音 yīn

注音 ㄧㄣ

部首 扌

总笔画 9

部首外 6

四角 56000

五笔 rldy

仓颉 qwk

郑码 djd

字形 左右结构

笔顺 121251341

统一码 扩展A U+39E2


拼音 yīn

注音 ㄧㄣ

部首部外 6 总笔画 9

统一码 扩展A U+39E2 笔顺 121251341


英语 to depend on; to lean to; to rely on; by means of, to follow the old or traditional (practices, customs, precedents, etc.), to receive and carry on; to continue; to succeed to