拼音 shǎn

注音 ㄕㄢˇ

部首 攴

总笔画 11

部首外 7

四角 41847

五笔 dwwc

仓颉 koye

郑码 gdix

字形 左右结构

笔顺 13434342154

统一码 扩展A U+3A8E

异体字 𪯋

拼音 shǎn

注音 ㄕㄢˇ

部首部外 7 总笔画 11

统一码 扩展A U+3A8E 笔顺 13434342154


英语 uncertain; not yet settled, irregular, to raise one's hands, to exhaust; to use up, to complete; to finish, all; entirely; totally; completely