
注音 ㄖㄨˇㄖㄨˋ

部首 戈

总笔画 14

部首外 10

四角 73250

五笔 dfea

仓颉 mii

郑码 ghdh

字形 左右结构

笔顺 13115341241534

统一码 扩展A U+39BA

异体字 𢾯


注音 ㄖㄨˇㄖㄨˋ

部首部外 10 总笔画 14

统一码 扩展A U+39BA 笔顺 13115341241534


英语 a lance with two points, a halberd with a crescent -shaped blade; weapons used in ancient times, to stimulate; to provoke; to excite; to irritate, to point with the index finger and the middle finger; to describe angry or an awe-inspiring display of military force, etc., masculine; heroic; brave, (in general) shart points and edges of weapons