拼音 léilèi

注音 ㄌㄟˊㄌㄟˋ

部首 力

总笔画 17

部首外 15

四角 64627

五笔 llll|llle

仓颉 wwks

郑码 kiky

字形 左右结构

笔顺 25121251212512153

统一码 扩展A U+3523

异体字 𠢿 𣀜

拼音 léilèi

注音 ㄌㄟˊㄌㄟˋ

部首部外 15 总笔画 17

统一码 扩展A U+3523 笔顺 25121251212512153


英语 in ancient times to fight against the enemy by pushing down the big rocks from up high; to throw over, to urge; to exert oneself, to carry in the bosom