
注音 ㄈㄨˊㄅㄛˊ

部首 黍

总笔画 21

部首外 9

四角 21966

五笔 twil

仓颉 hemrw

郑码 mfjk

字形 左右结构

笔顺 312343424134125125121

统一码 扩展A U+4D57


注音 ㄈㄨˊㄅㄛˊ

部首部外 9 总笔画 21

统一码 扩展A U+4D57 笔顺 312343424134125125121


英语 to clean the withered; dried and decayed leaves of the bottom part of millets, grains, beans or peas, a variety of millet, beans and peas collectively, to paste up, to attach to, to stick up; to glue