拼音 ào

注音 ㄠˋ

部首 土

总笔画 7

部首外 4

四角 47120

五笔 fqcy

仓颉 gpi

郑码 brzs

字形 左右结构

笔顺 1213554

统一码 扩展A U+362C


拼音 ào

注音 ㄠˋ

部首部外 4 总笔画 7

统一码 扩展A U+362C 笔顺 1213554


英语 (same as 坳) a hollow in the ground; a cavity, (same as 物) matter; substance, all living creatures, things in general, the affairs of this world, things or matters outside oneself, others, goods, the Tibetan classical text means Buddha