拼音 chà

注音 ㄔㄚˋ

部首 忄

总笔画 9

部首外 6

四角 93014

五笔 npta

仓颉 pjhp

郑码 uwmh

字形 左右结构

笔顺 442445315

统一码 扩展A U+391E

异体字 𢖲 𢜬

拼音 chà

注音 ㄔㄚˋ

部首部外 6 总笔画 9

统一码 扩展A U+391E 笔顺 442445315



chà ㄔㄚˋ

     ◎ 惊诧。

英语 disappointed; to fail in attaining one's purpose; to be disappointed in attaining the ambitions, to be surprised; to be amazed; to marvel, to think; to consider; to ponder; to contemplate, to expect or hope with eagerness, a credit, straightforward; faithful and upright, to reprimand; to discipline; to punish