㗷 |
拼音 sǎi 注音 ㄙㄞˇ 部首 口 部外 14 总笔画 17 统一码 扩展A U+35F7 笔顺 251445112212534 |
㗷 基本解释
英语 (simplified form) to eat; to bite; to gnaw, a dialect, usually used at the end of a sentence
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㗷 |
拼音 sǎi 注音 ㄙㄞˇ 部首 口 部外 14 总笔画 17 统一码 扩展A U+35F7 笔顺 251445112212534 |
英语 (simplified form) to eat; to bite; to gnaw, a dialect, usually used at the end of a sentence