拼音 guǒ

注音 ㄍㄨㄛˇ

部首 麥

总笔画 19

部首外 8

四角 46494

五笔 swws

仓颉 jewd

郑码 fokf

字形 左右结构

笔顺 1234343435425111234

统一码 扩展A U+4D39

异体字  𪍯

拼音 guǒ

注音 ㄍㄨㄛˇ

部首部外 8 总笔画 19

统一码 扩展A U+4D39 笔顺 1234343435425111234


英语 cakes; biscuits; pastry, distiller's grains or yeast, (interchangeable 稞) grains ready for grinding; healthy grains, flour, (same as VEA4D37) use the whole piece of barley to ferment for brewing