拼音 fèngpěng

注音 ㄅㄧˊㄅㄛˊㄈㄥˋㄆㄥˇ

部首 麥

总笔画 24

部首外 13

四角 45418

五笔 swwu

仓颉 jetwt

郑码 foju

字形 左下包围结构

笔顺 123434343542512211251431

统一码 扩展A U+4D44

异体字  𥽈

拼音 fèngpěng

注音 ㄅㄧˊㄅㄛˊㄈㄥˋㄆㄥˇ

部首部外 13 总笔画 24

统一码 扩展A U+4D44 笔顺 123434343542512211251431


英语 (same as 麷) to boil or stew wheat, to simmer ferment for brewing, (interchangeable 豐) various kinds of rush from which mats, bags, etc. are made; vines of the rushes