拼音 yāo

注音 ㄩˊㄧㄠ

部首 礻

总笔画 11

部首外 7

四角 34284

五笔 pyad

仓颉 ifthk

郑码 wsmg

字形 左右结构

笔顺 45241223134

统一码 扩展A U+410F

拼音 yāo

注音 ㄩˊㄧㄠ

部首部外 7 总笔画 11

统一码 扩展A U+410F 笔顺 45241223134


英语 (same as 祅) bizarre, calamity due to terrestrial disturbances (as distinct from 災 -- disaster which is sent down from above) (interchangeable 妖) weird; supernatural, a ghost, bewitching; seductive (said of a woman)