拼音 hǎnhàn

注音 ㄏㄢˇㄏㄢˋ

部首 火

总笔画 17

部首外 13

四角 92895

五笔 oogw|oouf

仓颉 ftcd

郑码 uoku

字形 左右结构

笔顺 43342243143111234

统一码 扩展A U+3E01

拼音 hǎnhàn

注音 ㄏㄢˇㄏㄢˋ

部首部外 13 总笔画 17

统一码 扩展A U+3E01 笔顺 43342243143111234


英语 (corrupted form of 熯) dry; freely burning; to burn; to roast (dialect) to dry or heat near a fire; consume by fire, to expose to sunlight (same as 焊) to weld; to join with solder, respectful; reverent; deferential